
Rajesh Singh is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai. His research interests are in the field of theoretical soft condensed matter physics. His research group at IIT Madras studies the physics of soft, active, and living materials using tools from statistical mechanics, fluid mechanics, computational physics, and Bayesian statistics.

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Scientific positions and education

Since 21 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Madras, Chennai
2018-21 Postdoctoral research associate, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
2012-18 PhD, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
2010-12 MSc, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
2007-10 BSc, Hindu College, University of Delhi

Awards and fellowships

2022 Start-up Research Grant, SERB, India
2021 RAMP Early Career Investigator Award, Royal Society, United Kingdom
2021 Early Career Fellowship (declined), Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom
2017 Newton International Fellowship, Royal Society-SERB, United Kingdom


Rajesh Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
IIT Madras, Chennai, India
rsingh _at_ physics _dot_ iitm _dot_ ac _dot_ in